If there’s one thing we’ve learned from doing this video and blog post, it’s that drywall is amazing! It’s easily fixable. If you need to access a pipe or electrical, etc. in a wall, cutting a hole in the drywall is NOT the end of the world. If the kids are being crazy and damage …
DIY Weight Rack for Dumbbells
It’s time to get those dumbbells off the floor! Click on the image below to download plans for making your own dumbbell rack using parts you can buy at any big box home improvement store (Ace/Lowe’s/Home Depot, etc.) and only requires a few basic tools, like a drill, a circular saw, a clamp and a …
Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets with DIY Shelving
One of the chores we assign to the kids is unloading the dishwasher. They generally do an okay job of putting things where they actually go, but they do an especially poor job of being careful or thoughtful about putting things away; they shove baking dishes, mixing bowls, and storage containers in the right general …
More than You Ever Wanted to Know About Furnace Filters
Changing your furnace filter is quick and easy. This post will teach you everything you never knew you needed to know about it. Think of the conversation starters you’ll have from now on! Where is the Filter, Anyway? First thing to do is make sure your furnace is turned off. Most furnaces will have a …
How to Replace Outlets, Light Switches, and GFCI Plugs
Time to upgrade your old outlets and light switches? Look no further. It’s easier than you think. 1- Turn off the Power! Make sure you’ve gone to your circuit breaker box and turned off the power to the outlet or light switch you’re going to be replacing. Once you’ve done that, be sure to test …
7 Genius Hiding Places in Your Home
#7: Hollowed Out Book After making a rectangle template on the page, and use an X-acto knife to cut through multiple pages at a time. Or, if you don’t have much patience, power tools to the rescue! An oscillating multi-tool will cut through much faster. Once you’ve reached the depth you’d like, shake out the …
Stop Squeaky Floors! (On Carpet and Hardwood)
Squeaky floors are the worst! They creep up every year when the weather gets cold and annoy you all winter. Luckily, there is a solution. You can fix the squeaks from the top of the floor, and don’t even need access to the basement. Follow these steps: Identify Which Direction the Joists are Running Follow …
$3 DIY Mid-century Modern Plant Stand with Plans!
Making these mid-century modern plant stands is pretty easy and only requires a circular saw as far as power tools. The job is easy with a table saw and router but these are definitely optional. Below you’ll find the plans for both the smaller / lighter plant stand whose legs extend up around the pot …
How to Repair a Window Screen
If you have a rip, tear, or hole in your window screen, it’s actually pretty easy and inexpensive to fix it yourself. If it’s a small hole, and you don’t care too much about how your screen looks, you can buy a little patch that hooks in around the hole, and prevents bugs from getting …
Every Step of Finishing a Basement From Beginning to End
Can you finish your basement yourself? Yup. You sure can. In the last two homes we’ve been in, we’ve done just that and, while it is a lot of work, saving tens of thousands of dollars (and acquiring awesome power tools) makes it all worth it. How Much Does It Cost? Just like with any …