Stripped screw heads are the worst! Discover these 4 techniques to avoid stripping screws and fasteners every time.
Category: Fun Stuff/Life Hacks
How to Build a Treeless Treehouse Part 2- Walls, Trap Door, and Siding
Part 2 in the treeless treehouse series!
Wyze Video Doorbell: It May Not Be for Everyone- Is Ring Better?
We have most of the Wyze products and are huge fans, but is their doorbell going to impress us? Here are 4 things that are great about it, and 6 that aren’t so great. 4 Things To Love 4) Aspect Ratio: Wyze decided to break the mold and go with a 3:4 aspect ratio. This …
Living Room Makeover with Vertical Shiplap
We have a front room that has always been neglected. We keep the piano in there, and our daughter gives violin lessons in there, so I guess you could call it a music room. In any case, it had turned into a catch-all room for all the furniture we didn’t know what to do with. …
DIY (Faux) Shiplap for About $80
This is an easier, much less expensive option than real shiplap, but it still looks amazing! We used 1/8″ plywood cut into 8″ strips. You can pick this up at the hardware store in 4’x8′ sheets. In many stores, you can ask the employees to cut the sheets into 8″ strips for you. If they …
DIY Weight Rack for Dumbbells
It’s time to get those dumbbells off the floor! Click on the image below to download plans for making your own dumbbell rack using parts you can buy at any big box home improvement store (Ace/Lowe’s/Home Depot, etc.) and only requires a few basic tools, like a drill, a circular saw, a clamp and a …
Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets with DIY Shelving
One of the chores we assign to the kids is unloading the dishwasher. They generally do an okay job of putting things where they actually go, but they do an especially poor job of being careful or thoughtful about putting things away; they shove baking dishes, mixing bowls, and storage containers in the right general …
7 Genius Hiding Places in Your Home
#7: Hollowed Out Book After making a rectangle template on the page, and use an X-acto knife to cut through multiple pages at a time. Or, if you don’t have much patience, power tools to the rescue! An oscillating multi-tool will cut through much faster. Once you’ve reached the depth you’d like, shake out the …
Stop Squeaky Floors! (On Carpet and Hardwood)
Squeaky floors are the worst! They creep up every year when the weather gets cold and annoy you all winter. Luckily, there is a solution. You can fix the squeaks from the top of the floor, and don’t even need access to the basement. Follow these steps: Identify Which Direction the Joists are Running Follow …
Stud Finder Showdown- Which One is Best?
Did any of these stud finders stand out as the best there is? Find out here!