It’s time to get those dumbbells off the floor! Click on the image below to download plans for making your own dumbbell rack using parts you can buy at any big box home improvement store (Ace/Lowe’s/Home Depot, etc.) and only requires a few basic tools, like a drill, a circular saw, a clamp and a hacksaw.

Want to see the build video? Check out the DIY Weight Rack for Dumbbells Video.
Nice plans. Any reason to not add a lower set of ‘shelves’ for heavier weights, too? Also, what type of steel (dimensions and material) did you use for your angle bracket? Thanks in advance…
Hey Brad, thanks for the comment. We keep our heavier weights on the top row so we don’t have to bend over as far to pick them up and put them away, and the lighter weight on the second row 🙂 You could certainly add a 3rd row on the bottom level if you would like to. We used 1/8″ thick plain steel angle, which you can get at Home Depot or a local metal supply yard.
And for anyone else reading this looking to save a few bucks – I found free bed frames on Marketplace and will be using those for my build. Strong and sturdy – and free!