Quick Tips Yard and Outdoor DIY

Tips To Prepare Your Home for the Winter Months

Tips To Prepare Your Home for the Winter Months
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Brrrrrr! There is a chill in the air, and we all know what it means. Winter is on the horizon, and while it’s fast approaching, you still have some time to prepare for all its harshness. Dress warmer, buy new boots, get out your coat, and find all the extra winter gear you’ll need to protect yourself.

As you’re arming your body, stop and think if anything else needs some protection. You guessed it: your home. Here are some tips to prepare your home for the winter months.

Is the Heat On?

Check to see if it’s on. Now, check to see if it’s working. Over time, your thermostat or furnace may have seen its last day. Look over both of these areas. There is nothing worse than winter sneaking up on a house that won’t heat up.

Take a trip to the basement and survey the furnace. Make sure the pilot’s light is on and everything else is in working condition. If you notice your home does not get warm the way it used to, there might be an issue with the thermostat. Consider getting a new one; this is a really simple DIY project, so there’s no need to call an expert.

Caulk Everything

Fill every nook and cranny with caulk. Updating the furnace and switching out the thermostat won’t solve anything if cold air is seeping through the walls. Check the windows and make sure they are secure. If not, run to the hardware store, get some caulk, and reseal the seams.

Do the same with any doors or cracks you may find in the foundation. These small areas can invite the nastiest winds and cause you to increase the temperature on the thermostat. That will only increase the heating bill when it can all be solved with a simple caulk job.

Remember the Yard!

Just because it’s cold out does not mean you should neglect the yard—it matters in the winter! Properly preparing the yard for cold weather will make it more beautiful when spring rolls back around.

You should start yard work before it gets too cold and definitely before snow hits the ground. Any work after then will just be pointless and difficult. Different areas of the yard will have special requirements, so do maintenance accordingly to receive the desired outcome.

Check the Gutters

The gutters matter the most. A clogged gutter is bad, but clogged gutters in the winter are even worse. When the gutters get backed up, they overflow. Then, water runs down your home, speeding up the deterioration of the exterior. Any damage to the exterior can lead to further issues inside the home.

Clear out all the leaves before ice and snow develop; otherwise, the task is impossible. Clearing the gutters might be an ongoing chore until the trees are bare.

The winter months are near, but your home does not have to suffer if you prepare it properly.

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