
I Was Wrong About the Wyze Video Doorbell

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If you remember this post, it compares the Wyze Video Doorbell to the Ring Wired Doorbell. In it, I listed as the main complaint about it being that it was inconsistent and unreliable. I did suspect that it may have been due to a power supply issue, and as it turns out, that’s exactly what it was.

This post is intended to set the record straight as far as that complaint that I had.

Here’s what happened: The doorbell that came with our home was a combined unit. It had a transformer and all the electronics for the doorbell itself in one little package that fit in a two gang box. That was already installed and not something that is meant to be separated.

What I learned after the fact, was that the output voltage from it was only 10 volts. Before knowing it was only 10 volts, I took off the electronic doorbell side and just used the transformer, and ran that to the Wyze doorbell.

I had also purchased a separate transformer so that I wouldn’t have to do that, but the transformer I got happened to be faulty and didn’t work at all, so I just tried to figure it out myself.

Faulty Transformer

I did the review based on that, not knowing that only 10 volts of power were going to the Wyze Video Doorbell. Reading the instructions and specifications does let you know that it requires at least 16 volts, and up to 24 volts.

I purchased a 24 volt transformer, different than the faulty one I had gotten before, and that one did the trick. I used my multimeter to verify, and it was actually around 27 volts, but it happens to be working just fine.

So, my #1 gripe before, where the video would just cut out and freeze sometimes, was caused by the doorbell trying to draw more power than the 10 volts could supply. This was totally my mistake. Since correcting the voltage issue, the doorbell has worked great and been really consistent. And it’s such a bargain! (Paid Amazon link)

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