Home Fixes You Can DIY Quick Tips

Most Common Places Homeowners Forget To Clean

Most Common Places Homeowners Forget To Clean
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Owning a home is a lot of responsibility. It’s an investment that requires continuous maintenance and care. With all that responsibility, sometimes things can slip through the cracks—literally. Owning a big property or a small property doesn’t really make a difference. On any scale, there are some common places homeowners forget to clean. Take a look to ensure you don’t fall victim.

Window Treatments

The windows are the eyes of every home. Take a look through yours right now and see how well you can see through them. If it’s a little muggy, that’s a clear sign you need to clean your windows, inside and out. Homeowners tend to ignore the outside more than indoors because they don’t see it as often.

Inside, you’ll note if the window seal needs good dusting or wiping, but the outside is another story. You won’t see that spider’s web or hornet’s nest every day. There might not be much development in the winter, but pay close attention during the summer. Also, take a power washer to your windows every now and then.

The Gutters

Out of sight out of mind—that’s the best way to describe the gutters of every home. They’re there, but not in an obvious way. Naturally, homeowners forget about this area, but gutters are extremely important to the structural integrity of every home.

Neglecting them will only wreak havoc on your home. Autumn is here, and that means leaves falling and landing inside your gutters. Make sure you clean these as often as possible, especially before and after heavy rain periods.


As a homeowner, you probably sweep and vacuum your floors quite a bit. But did you ever stop to pay attention to the baseboard during this process? Some of that dirt and dust you missed during the initial clean-up might have caught onto the baseboards and set up camp.

Every now and then, you’ll need to tackle this area too. Try and clean them when you do your vacuuming and sweeping. You’ll kill two birds with one stone and won’t have to deal with a heavy buildup. A microfiber cloth and cleaning solution should do the trick. Make sure the solution does not work poorly with paint.

Washing Machine

They wash your clothes for you, but how often do you wash the washing machine? Most people don’t because they assume the washing machine gets its fair sharing of cleaning during the laundry cycles. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and you need to wash the machine too.

Focus on the areas you don’t see the most. The agitator needs all your attention. If there is a cap at the top of it, lift it up, but don’t be alarmed. If you’ve never washed it before, you might see some black buildup. That is more than likely the harshness of the water. Get a bleach bottle and get to work.

As a homeowner, give your entire home a thorough cleaning from top to bottom and handle those most common places homeowners forget about.

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